Starting From Scratch With No
List, No Product
And Without Spending One Cent on Traffic!

From: John
Thornhill - Full Time Internet Marketer
Subject: Achieving Super Affiliate
Dear frustrated Affiliate Marketer,
If someone could show you the exact
steps for making over a million dollars in affiliates sales...
...using a proven formula perfected
over 5 years which generates pay days of up to $89,742.40 of pure
profit... would you take notice?
Well keep reading because I'm
about to reveal how I went from working a grueling 50+ hours per week
at my local car plant here in the North of England...
...to becoming a full time Internet
Marketer earning up to $200,000 per month and working less than 20
hours per week!
And all this was made possible by
using my simple, straightforward formula that anyone can follow.
Now, before I reveal my formula to
you, allow me to introduce myself...
I'm John Thornhill.

It's possible you may have seen
my name at the top of a JV leaderboard before. In the example
below I dominated the JV competition
and outsold the number 2, 3 and 4
affiliates combined.

Look, it's important to point out
that when you become a successful affiliate you really do have a LOT of
time on your hands...
Because as an affiliate you don't
have to worry about time consuming tasks like providing support,
dealing with awkward customers, processing refunds, creating a
...or anything else that comes with
running an online business!
Being a successful affiliate gives
me plenty of spare time to do the things I enjoy most such as spending
weekends in the country in my holiday home, all paid for with my
affiliate commissions.
A typical affiliate campaign can
take me less than an hour to put together, of course sometimes I may
have to put a few more hours in and work as many as 5-10 hours on a
campaign - but most of the time it's less than an hour and I can
usually generate a bumper payday of $10,000, $25,000... and
occasionally over $90,000.

I wanted to give my thoughts on
John Thornhill's Affiliate Promo Formula course. Basically over the
last 3 years online John Thornhill has always been my number 1 or
number 2 affiliate in all of my launches.
I have had launches now which have generated more than $100,000 in a
recurring income stream and again every time I have launched these
products John Thornhill has been either the number 1 or number 2
affiliate. In fact more often than not he has been the number one
affiliate, he has done a fantastic job promoting my products and has
generated me tens of thousands of Dollars in sales and I have paid him
tens of thousands of Dollars in commissions and I continue to do that
every single week.
If there was one person I was going to
learn from when it comes to successfully promoting products for a
launch it would be John Thornhill, he has got a killer formula which
works when he is promoting my products and I have seen him dominate
other launch contests time and time again.
Like I said if you are looking to try and figure out how to try and
promote products successfully and make a lot of money doing that then
John Thornhill is certainly someone I would recommend you learn from
because he has done an awesome job for me and many of my peers as well,
he's a great guy and his course is going to be fantastic as well.
He really is the real deal when it comes to this particular subject. So
I would strongly endorse Affiliate Promo Formula just on the basis of
what he has done promoting my products and what he has done for other
peoples products as well. I know that if you get this course you will
be able to mirror his success as well because he really is a fantastic
teacher too.
Go and buy John's course, I really do fully endorse it and I hope you
have the same kind of success that he has had.
Lee McIntyre.
Since the launch of
my top membership site MySilentTeam.com we've had over 150 different
affiliates sell one or more memberships to the site.
As our top performing affiliate John
Thornhill has sold 567 memberships to date (since launch). That's more
memberships than ANY of our other affiliates.
If you want to learn how to market as an
affiliate John is definitely a guy to take seriously.
Jim Cockrum.
Hey John,
I wanted to let anybody who is interested in
your new Affiliate Promo Formula know that it REALLY WORKS! I am living
proof! I was lucky enough to get access to your Affiliate Promo Formula
long before anybody else for testing, and boy am I pleased I did! In
the short time I have had access to your formula, I have generated well
over $50,000 in REAL affiliate sales, by simply following your formula
to the letter! Here is just one screenshot that proves exactly that.

That screenshot was only around
5-7 days worth of commissions, this promotion went on to earn me well
over $20,000 alone.
Thanks for introducing me to
your Affiliate Promo Formula John, I look forward to the next time I
need to use it!
Dave Nicholson.
John Thornhill is in
the top 1% of super affiliates online, plain and simple. When John
agrees to promote your product you can start celebrating
because he drives bucket loads of sales every time with his proprietary
affiliate marketing system that sees him out-punching even some of the
big name gurus out there.
I've taken a sneak peek behind the curtain
into John's tactics and I can say with confidence that if you follow
his affiliate system - you will make SERIOUS amounts of money. He makes
it easy to follow, simple to copy and his track record in being the #1
affiliate for countless product launches speaks for itself. IF John
ever offers to reveal to you his affiliate marketing secrets - seize
the opportunity, no matter what it takes - your bank account will thank
Michael Cheney.
When it comes to
successfully promoting major product launches as an affiliate, I can't
think of a better teacher to learn from than John Thornhill. When we
launched our $497 MyIMMentors.com group coaching program John Thornhill
used his powerful affiliate promotion techniques and DOMINATED our
sales leaderboard throughout the entire launch and finished in first
place by a very wide margin.
John is the real deal and someone I have a tremendous amount of respect
for. If you want to learn how to dominate major product launches as an
affiliate, I HIGHLY recommend you pick up a copy of John Thornhill's
Affiliate Promo Formula.
Jit Uppal.
I just wanted to share some results after
using your Affiliate Promo Formula.
Here's a screen shot of my earnings in just
3 days following your system (and I didn't even follow the entire
That screenshot was only around 5-7 days
worth of commissions, this promotion went on to earn me well over
$20,000 alone.
Now, here's what happened when YOU
demonstrated your formula (in a period of just 4 days) with a promotion
during the launch of my List Marketing Formula:

The proof speaks for itself...
Your Affiliate Promo Formula works like crazy!
Dave Lovelace.
Since learning from
John I've made into the millions of dollars online and John Thornhill
has a massive impact with these kinds of numbers for my online business.
In fact he was the very first person i
bought a product from online who wasn't a scammer or hype artist ...
and that was back in 2004. Here's why John's system is so powerful ...
(1) When ever he uses his Affiliate Promo Formula to promote my
products he always makes us both tens of thousands of dollars, he has
actually generated over $50,000 in sales for my products and is ALWAYS
a top partner making more sales that the hundreds of other people
promoting my products - meaning his Affiliate Promo Formula works
(2) I've learned so much from his training that it just keeps making me
money over and again and its always fab to use a system that is easy to
copy with his "NO HYPE" tell it like it is system that he puts in place.
Thanks for making this possible John
Alex Jeffreys.
Wow! I have never
seen such a comprehensive explanation of exactly how to monetize a
mailing list for maximum benefit.
This is the exact process that Soren
Jordansen and I have used for years and we have seen John use
it to clean up in a few of our product launches!
It is the perfect guide for anyone starting
out with a small list and wondering how to get maximum dollar value
from their subscribers in a totally ethical way that builds your brand
automatically and solidifies the loyalty of your client base too.
There are also a few gems in there that we are going to start using
ourselves - now we know your secrets John!!
Cindy Battye.
I'm honored to be
sharing this page with such exalted company but If you think that you
need a huge 6 figure mailing list to make big money using John
Thornhill's Affiliate Promo Formula then think again!
The first time I used John's methods to promote a product launch I had
been a marketer for just a few short months and had a tiny list of 743
subscribers. I followed John's formula to the letter and 1 week later I
had banked an incredible $3,740.00!
And this wasn't down to beginner's luck! I have repeated the trick many
times since, most notably earning $2,241.00 with a list of 1,374
subscribers and $1,806.00 with a list of 1,049 subscribers plus many
more smaller but none the less significant results.
John's Affiliate Promo Formula requires no special skills or expensive
tools in fact anybody can replicate or even exceed my success.
Affiliate Promo Formula has proven so effective that I wouldn't dream
of promoting a product launch without it!
Thanks for a truly great product, John!
Stuart Turnbull.
I can
vouch 1000% for Affiliate Promo Formula. I know it works because I have
been the recipient of some SERIOUS cash from your promotion of ALL of
my products.
The one that sticks out the most though is my last launch of ClickBank
Stealth where I turned in $24,000 in just 6 days.
The best part is, you owned the affiliate contest from day one,
generating almost $5000 in commissions from just a couple of emails.
For anyone looking to follow a PROVEN system to make massive income
promoting other people's products, I cannot recommend your Affiliate
Promo Formula enough.
Go get it, and start banking the income you deserve online.
Ray Johnson.
What John has done for
our last product launch is nothing short of AMAZING.
Personally I have NEVER seen numbers like
these for an email affiliate promotion.
In the particular promo John sent 3784
unique visitors and to this date those visitors have generated
$44,871.20 in AFFILIATE commissions. That is around $90,000 in total
This is $11.85 PER CLICK that goes into
John's pocket. (It Adds up to OVER $23 per click in total sales).
Nowdays you would be LUCKY if you made $0.80 cents per click but John's
underground methods delivered with a BANG.
John became the TOP affiliate in that launch
and also received over $6,000 in additional bonuses and CASH.
And that is not all. John makes money from
this promo every month from those visitors who signed up for a monthly
Let me also mention that this is not the
only offer that John has promoted for us. He has successfully promoted
other products in the past with sales in the tens of thousands of
John's methods work and they work AMAZINGLY
well. If you get a chance to learn from him, I highly encourage you to
do it. John is at the top of my list when I need JV partners for a
You ROCK man!
Socrates Socratous.
The proof is in the pudding. I've
personally used John Thornhill's "Affiliate Promo Formula" to generate
over half a million dollars in sales and $200,000.00 in commissions
over the past year alone. Bottom line... It works, and it works over
and over like a well oiled machine. I've even been able to beat the
"who's who" of internet marketing in some of the biggest JV
competitions in IM history. I have proof and I can name names...

People like Frank Kern, Shawn Casey, Russell
Brunson and even Mike Filsaime literally "ate my dust" in some of these
contests the moment I put John's formula into high gear.
It's no accident, nor coincidence or streak
of luck that puts super affiliates at the top of a 7 Figure leader
board. It is a calculated and meticulous marketing and promotion
effort. One that needs to be carried out to the letter each time.
I learned this from John Thornhill and his
Affiliate Promo Formula. I needed no special skills, no supernatural
powers, and no industry "connections". I just needed a BURNING desire
to succeed and a willingness to invest in my future. I whole heartedly
endorse APF and I recommend that you do whatever you need to do to get
this tool in your arsenal.
It is more than likely you will recoup the
investment with your first affiliate promotion, and then be able to
repeat the process over and over as I have done myself.
Omar Martin.

However, it wasn't always like
that. There was a time when I used to really struggle as an affiliate.
I promoted tons of products and
never made any sales... and I didn't know why!
I would watch the latest JV
competition and see the same names time and time again at the top of
the leaderboards. Some were winning expensive watches, cars, top of the
range laptops and more in JV prizes...
...and I wanted a piece of the
I Began to Study The Big
I studied almost every big launch
that came along and kept my eyes glued to the JV leaderboards so I
could learn every single tip, trick, and hidden technique that each
marketer was using to make sales.
I knew most had a massive advantage
over me because of the sheer size of their lists... but that didn't
stop me studying what they were doing.
Some seemed to be able to mail out
just once and win a JV competition. I suppose when you have a mailing
list of 500,000+ you don't really need a formula, you just need to hit
the send button every now and then.
However, some marketers seemed to
work much harder and from these guys I started to notice a pattern. So
I started to study these patterns and began to devise a system of my
...and then suddenly some amazing
things started to happen.
I Started to Make Affiliate
Now don't get me wrong... I didn't
make millions overnight.
But the sales had finally started
trickling in, and soon I was already earning the equivalent of my
regular day job... but for less than half the time and effort.
Trust me, when you make your first
affiliate sale... it gives you such a buzz!
And you just want more and more.
So I worked at my system and began
testing new methods - ones that I'd never seen tried by anyone else
before. Some of my methods worked while some didn't.
You can guess what I did with the
methods that worked, can't you?
I Took The Methods That Worked
And Slotted Them in to my Formula
This was way back in 2006, and
since then I've worked on my formula and finely tuned it to a point
where I can almost guarantee a top spot in any JV competition I take
part in.
Fast forward to 2011 and I've
generated over a million dollars in affiliate sales, I I've won
numerous JV competitions and won a ton of prizes including iPhones,
laptops, watches, flip-cams, iPods, HD camcorders and even a jet-ski
worth over $6000... not to mention tens of thousands of dollars worth
of prize money.
Sadly, for most affiliates it's not
as straightforward as this.
In fact, let me ask you a
Have you ever promoted a product
in the past and not received a single sale?
Have you ever wondered how the
gurus make hundreds of thousands of dollars in affiliate sales, while
you struggle to make just one?
Its a sad fact that most affiliates
make very little or no sales at all during the big product launches.
Some even send a ton of traffic but still cant make any sales at all.
This is Because Most
Affiliates are
Doing Things Completely Backwards.
They're trying to follow the same
tactics that gurus with 1 million plus mailing lists are using.
You see, if you have a 1 million
plus mailing list, then you can afford to use tactics that simply wont
work for the average affiliate marketer.
But if you're just starting out...
then you need to "up" your game a bit.
Keep reading because I'm going to
reveal 3 key strategies that helped my affiliate marketing business
In fact, you can implement these
strategies in your affiliate marketing business right now... and
instantly boost your affiliate marketing business to the next level:
Key Strategy #1 "Market Ethically &
Have you noticed that more and
more marketers seem to be using bad tactics these days?
By that I mean pitching products
every day using hype-filled emails... blatantly telling lies...
or perhaps telling you they've found the best product ever that will
change your life only to tell you they have found something even better
then next day.
These are usually 'loopholes'
or 'traffic systems' that never work.
I think some marketers forget that the tactics
they are using can ruin peoples lives, yes, that's a strong thing to
say but they know some of the garbage they push simply won't help
I bet if they had to pitch
to you face to face they wouldn't say half the things they write.
In 2011 this has gotten a
lot worse, however, in a crazy sort of way that helps us ethical
marketers as our offers stand out even more. So be sure to market
ethically and honestly and leave the shady marketing tactics to people
who know no better.
Let the 'shady' marketers use bad
tactics that are now so ineffective they are lucky to make one sale
from an affiliate campaign. Let them wonder why their open rates have
dropped to record lows and let them wonder "what the hell happened to
my affiliate earnings".
2011 will be the year that ethical
marketing shines so don't use hype, don't pitch products every day and
think more about helping others before thinking about your bank
Let me assure you, if you market
like this you don't have to worry about your affiliate earnings as they
will take care of themselves.
Strategy #2 "Don't Follow The Affiliate Herd"
Let me
tell you what most affiliates do when promoting a product on launch day.
They will go to the product
creators affiliate tools page and find some content they can use such
as some ready made email copy.
They will then copy the
email word for word and then paste this content into
their autoresponder and hit send. The result is their email looks the
same as everyone else's on launch day.
I'm sure you've seen this happen
before... a big launch comes along and you receive the same email over
and over again from tons of different marketers.
Most can't even be bothered to
come up with their own email subject.
Now like I said earlier, if you
have a 1 million plus mailing list this tactic will still work.
However, if you have a smaller list like most of us your emails will
just get lost in all the noise on launch day.
It still amazes me that most
affiliates can't be bothered to spend 5 minutes re-writing an email
copied from an affiliate tools page. Sure you can use the content
supplied by the product creator, but at least spend 5 minutes
personalizing the email to make it look like you've wrote it yourself!
Look! You have to stand out on
launch day, you have to be different, you have to rise above all the
hype and noise that goes on when a product goes live...
...but you won't do this if you use
'copy and paste' tactics.
Key Strategy #3 "Don't Promote Rubbish Products"
This is probably the best
piece of advice I could ever give you. So many marketers simply look at
what products pay the most commissions and don't even bother to
evaluate the product they are promoting.
Why would you promote a
product you haven't even looked at? It's crazy, yet so many marketers
do it. Let me tell you that promoting sub standard products is the
quickest way to lose trust and ruin your reputation.
If you are lucky you can get away
with this once or twice but no more. You see people remember who
recommended the product they bought and if it doesn't deliver do you
think they will come back for more? Of course not, so never ever do
this, be sure to get a review copy of any product before you promote
it. If you have to go and buy the product, you can always get a refund
if it doesn't deliver.
Only when you are 100% sure
that the product can deliver awesome value should you then
begin to promote it. By reviewing products first your reputation will
remain intact and you will develop a following of raving fans that will
devour anything you recommend.
So there you have it, 3 simple
strategies that can bring real results, but let me warn you this is
just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to become a super
affiliate and play with the big boys you need to learn a lot more.
So what if I said I could show you
the formula I have perfected that would enable you to start generating
sales as an affiliate regardless of list size and achieve super
affiliate status, would you be interested? Well allow me to introduce
the ultimate affiliate solution:-

This is a tried, tested,
and perfected method that works every single time without fail.
Remember that I've been perfecting this method since 2006 and I can
guarantee it works flat out every time I put it into practice.
Once you start applying the
Affiliate Promo Formula you will see your affiliate earnings soar.
What makes Affiliate Promo Formula
different from anything you've ever seen is I am backing it up with
rock solid proof. Remember that JV leaderboards don't lie, you're not
seeing some phony screenshots of earnings that aren't even related to
the product for sale. You're seeing real results from real JV
You do not need a
mailing list to get started.
That's right, you don't need a mailing list of hundreds of thousands...
in fact this method can be used with a mailing list of just a few
hundred. Once you use the Affiliate Promo Formula you will be
outselling the gurus with lists 100 times larger than yours. Don't
have a mailing list? Don't worry, I'll show you how to build a
list of a few hundred in a matter of days, even hours, more than enough
to get you started. |
You can apply the
Affiliate Promo Formula as often as you like.
That's right, you can apply what I teach to every single product you
promote as often as you like. Once you have applied the formula a few
times you will have perfected a system that can enable you to generate
cash on demand. Within a few weeks you could be generating paydays of
$1000, $5000, even $10,000 for just a few hours work. |
You don't need to be
a technical whizz kid.
The Affiliate Promo Formula can be applied without learning complicated
code, without having to contact a programmer and without having to
spend hours and hours reading manuals and learning theory. If you can
send and receive emails and can connect a computer to the Internet you
will have what it takes to follow this course. |
You will start to
win JV competitions... and earn tons of cash!
That's right, maybe not at first, you'll probably have to settle for a
top 10 slot first, but over time you will start to rank higher on the
leaderboards and it will only be a matter of time before you win your
first JV competition and achieve super affiliate status. |
The Guru's Now Want to JV
With Me!
Do you know what happens when you
get your name on a JV leaderboard?
Other marketers start to contact
you for JV's - including the big name gurus.
That's right, get your name
mentioned in any big launch and you start to gain contacts that you
could only dream of. Contacts that can make or break your next product
launch, contacts that can generate thousands of dollars in sales from a
single email.
How much would contacts like this
be worth to you?
Contacts like this can take your
business to a level that most people could only dream of...
...and the truth is because of my
Affiliate Promo Formula, I've been able to form lifelong business
partnerships with some of the biggest names on the planet!

If you've ever struggled to make money as
an affiliate then there's a good chance it's because you've been given
terrible advice.
Let me set the record straight once and for all and show you how you can start earning money and achieve super
affiliate status with my powerful and never seen before
formula for success.
And remember this isn't an outdated old eBook that makes you so bored
it makes your eyes start to water. This is a step by step home study
course that will guide you from complete beginner to online profits in
no time at all.
Look Below to See Exactly
What's Included
15 Powerful Training
Modules: "Multi Format"

These training modules
cover everything you need to know in great detail.
is left out and no matter what level of experience you're at, these
modules will quickly turn you into a super affiliate in no time at all.
module is presented in multiple formats that can be played on multiple
devices. This means you can learn in the car, on the train, in the air,
walking the dog... anywhere.
Report: "Affiliate Promo Formula"
This powerful report will quickly
walk you though the whole formula I have used time and time again to
generate over 1 million dollars in affiliate sales.
If you want to learn fast this
report combined with the mindmap below will have you on the road to
affiliate success in under an hour...
Mindmap: "Affiliate Promo Formula Laid Bare"

The Mindmap contains all you need
to know about preparing for and executing a successful affiliate
marketing campaign. In the image above you can see just one of the
modules covered. Let me assure you this module is just the tip of the
Worksheet: "Everything You Need"

The Worksheet contains the different milestones you need to
follow to guarantee affiliates success... And is laid out to make this
course easy to follow in a step by step manner.
That's Not All, Look What
Else is Included
Let me be straight with you...
products, and making a ton of sales, is NOT brain surgery.
It's not
difficult to do, and you can do it on a consistent basis... but ONLY
when you have the correct formula in place.
See, most
would-be affiliate marketers "think" they know how to effectively
promote a product... but when it comes down to it they're barely
scratching the surface, just like everyone else!
But thanks to
my Affiliate Promo Formula I've a created a system that has enabled me
to generate over a million dollars in sales and win countless JV
competitions... time and time again.
Affiliate Promo Formula I'll show you step by step the exact methods
I've used to become a super affiliate and create a life that most
people can only dream about.
What's more, I'm going to give you a step by step secret master plan
that will reveal every single aspect of the promotion process I use to
earn thousands on a consistent basis.
nothing will be left out as I reveal my most closely guarded secrets
for the very first time. Everything is explained in painstaking detail
to ensure that you will learn exactly how to do things the right way
from the start.

it's important to be honest. Affiliate Promo Formula is a complete training program
that is absolutely packed full of value... and will fast track your
route to affiliate success in no time.
We're NOT talking about an eBook containing second hand information
filled with fluff. This is a step by step course that
is jam packed full of brand new information that will help you start
making money today.
also important to remember I've spent a lot of money and countless
sleepless nights perfecting my formula. You could try to figure this
out for yourself and it would probably take you years... or you could
invest in Affiliate Promo Formula right now and take the short cut to
affiliate success.
When you
consider that Affiliate Promo Formula is a complete step by step
home study course it's easy to see why it could easily walk off the
shelves for $197, or $297 or more.
fact, I could even package this up as physical product... put
everything into a big box and whack a $997.00 price tag on it.
And then sit back and watch the cash roll in, but those who know me
understand that's not how I like to do things. Never have and never
I like
to give back as much as I can and I'm certainly not going to stop now.
Yes, people might think I've gone a bit mad, but I want to even the playing field a little, and make
Affiliate Promo Formula affordable to all.
Which is
why if you download right now then you certainly
won't be paying $297 for all of this valuable content. Heck, you won't
even be paying $197.
fact, if you ACT NOW then you
can grab this killer home study course for a one time investment of
just $37.00!
please note that this is an introductory price and the price will rise
very soon. I also must point out that this won't be on the market
forever as I don't want to saturate the market with my formula... so
you need to act now.

A Complete Package For Online Profits
Remember, this is a complete step by step home study course that will
guide you through the whole process of generating profits as an
affiliate. You're going to get checklists, training videos, mindmaps,
worksheets, case studies, templates, powerful advice and much, much
more too!
you've tried to make money and failed then it really isn't your fault.
I mean, I too couldn't get to grips with the internet marketing puzzle
at first and it's no surprise when you consider the bad advice that's
out there.
it's finally time to forget all that as I'm going to reveal to you my
proven and powerful methods for instant affiliate profits from scratch!
And That's Not
Now and You Will Receive The Following
'Fast Mover' Bonus at No
Extra Cost to You...

ClickBank Affiliate
Master Allows You to Harness The Real Power of The ClickBank
Marketplace And Have an Army of Affiliates Promoting Your ClickBank
You Will Also
Receive This Awesome Piece of Software That Will Allow You to Create
Multiple Affiliate Links For Additional Pages in Your ClickBank
Products, Your Affiliates Really Are Going to Love You!
This Sells Right Now For $97 And it's
Yours Free if You Act
Right Now
And All The Risk is on me Too
Look, this step by step course is the real deal which
is why I don't mind putting my neck on the line with this one. Click the add to cart button
and invest in your future right now... and finally discover
the keys to online affiliate success!
Yes John! I'm
ready to start learning how to successfully promote any product launch
so that I can finally start
generating an easy affiliate
I understand that by
placing my secure order today, I will be getting instant access to this
powerful formula that is capable
of teaching me how to become a
super affiliate.
I'll have immediate
access to the same techniques that have been proven effective for you
over the years.
I know that this home
study course is 100% legitimate, 100% legal, and 100% what I need to
learn right now.
You've made it a very
easy decision with your 100% iron-clad money back guarantee and I'm
ready to start right now, so
I'm clicking the secure order
button below.
in Affiliate Promo Formula Now For:
Only $97
$5.00 For a Limited Period

Access is instant, even if it's 3am
the 'Add To Cart' button above now and I look forward to hearing YOUR
success story.
I have
spent years and who knows how much money learning how to do things
correctly. For one low price, you'll get to benefit from ALL my
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